Sunday, February 1, 2009


There's a difference between loving someone and caring about them. It's funny how hard it is to distinguish the line between friendship love, new love and even old love. Yet somehow, the love and hate concepts, are not always so far apart from one another as we often believe them to be. We as humans are created to feel, both literally and also emotionally. I think if you have the ability to hate someone, it just may be possible and is more or less entirely likely that you do in fact love them. Then the inevitable question comes into play and you must decide what sort of love it is. A love that can so easily be turned to hate is obviously a love full of intensity and the knowledge that it is so intense makes the question that much harder to answer. I'm a person who acts on instinct and my instincts are usually lead by heart, not mind. I think perhaps a crazy love/hate feeling may be one of those loves thats the best you've ever had. One that makes your heart beat faster than ever before, makes you scared out of your mind that you may lose it and somehow manages to make no sense at all. These loves are what makes a life journey worth it. I believe these loves aren’t as common to find as people think and deep down I feel these connections are the real loves of our lives. You see i think it takes a lot more than an insane love to maintain a life time together as partners. To run a household and bring children into the world takes more than passion. A love so firey and fierce will never be a love that goes the distance because a love so strong is built purely on one another. It's a selfish and passionate form of love that somehow feels better than anything else in the world.
I think I have had a few of these stand out loves in my life. These loves that are at first fueled so strongly but undoubtably destined to come to an end. We find those people, experience them and leave them behind because deep down we know it would never last the forever fairy-tale we are taught to aspire to when growing up. No, these fairy-tales won't last our life times and no these loves will not give us the strength to build a life together on, but these loves will allow us experiences that give us the knowledge to grow. So take these experiences for all they are worth and live the fairy-tale for as many minutes as you can savour. Without these intense moments, our souls would never have the chance to be fully complete. It is the mini stories written on each page that let our books one day reach a happy ending.

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