Saturday, December 17, 2011

Love and Hate

What I feel for you now
Is a mix of love and hate
And what you felt for me
Was just a toxic fuse of fate
Caught halfway between
Liking me and wanting only sex
What a sorry excuse
For not being manly enough to confess
Toughen up sir
Show the workings of your inner mind
And the real feelings
You learned to bury and hide
I don't need you
To make me feel whole
Though you may have needed me
To carry and save your soul
Goodbye lucky stars
There wont be another like me
Who knows how to nurture
You and your tortured insecurities
But you've blown it now
Gone and pushed me away
And you've had your chance
But didn't ask me to stay
You're just a stubborn mule
Of this I am sure
I was wrong to believe in you
And to think you were worth more

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