Friday, March 20, 2009

What is Found

I thought it was my dark vibes which did not interest you?
The depth of the sullen way in which I so often think
Which did not play into the life which you have created for yourself?
I thought it was not clarity and hope which you wished to find here
So I will not cover you in nursery rhymes or shower you in roses
Red and lustful, the kind I so often tend to speak fondly of
For these are exactly the things, you do not wish to have laid upon you
Especially by me, the angel of all that is black
Or are these the exact things you do in fact seek from this?
In the dream land we both know so well, perhaps I am your ray of sunshine
I know in my dreams this is exactly what I wish myself to be
And maybe there's a chance you see the fantasy in the same way I envision it
The truth is, with so much confusion a person is left not knowing how to respond
But if looked upon a little closer, we'll find exactly what we are hoping to
There will be no pity parties if pity parties are not what are desired
There will not be rain if rain is not what is being sought after
What there will be is knowledge and lots of it
Of the past and if needed, endless amounts of the present
There will be a quiet understanding which exists beneath our surface
Seen only through the eyes of those who seek it
And beyond these layers, we're exactly what we wish to be
And exactly what we're needed to be by those around us
I am somber when I need to be, for myself, in the dark and gloomy hours when I sit alone
Enveloped in my own frame of time where it's okay for the world to stop
Yet I may somehow also be the assured voice you need
During your dark moments which fill the lonely hours we as humans learn to create
And if this is indeed close to the truth
We'll find our own even space between the good and bad
Where the chance to sit completely still will not be frowned upon
Rose petals will lay scattered on the floor having fallen from way up high
Just as the rain which will pellet down from the skies
And in this moment, there will be no urge to run
For these moments will explain all we ever needed and wanted to say
Hence creating no reason at all to search where we searched once before
Life is here, exactly where it was left and although at times trialing
It is life which knows to remain hidden, until by the individual, it is found

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