Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Why is it I always end up making pancakes for the people I love?

When I think back over my relationships... the memories of me standing over the stove (usually in my PJs) making the pancakes, are some of the fondest.

For some strange reason, making pancakes seem to symbolise peace and a happy heart... or at least to me they do. I relate that image to times when I was fully content within a relationship. I often found myself forming hearts in the pan while my head wandered off to that giddy place.

I only usually have the patience for pancakes when I'm on that kind of happy high. The high that only love can cause in me.

Funny isn't it? What pancakes seem to mean to me. They mean that warm, fuzzy and blissful feeling... that feeling of love.

If I ever made you pancakes... consider yourself lucky, it probably means I loved you a lot.

And if I haven't... there's always tomorrow. x

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