I had to go and pick up a cable I left at the old place tonight... It's so empty now... So ready for someone new to come and love it as much as we did. And I couldn't help but remember everything that had happened there. It was like every moment, feeling, good time and bad time flashed before my eyes right as I went to close the door to leave. Every creek in the floor, every crack of light in that place, every corner and every inch I know almost as well as I knew the person I shared all those moments with. Every dinner, every fight, every laugh, every bit of love... And every Sunday afternoon we built it together. It's funny how memories can do that to you. On the way home I bought some watermelon and coconut water... It's getting to be that time of the year again. And I couldn't help but remember how excited we were the last time I saw that place so empty... At the possibilities that stood before us and what the idea of making that our home meant. I'm sentimental, I know. But coming home tonight, to my new home... I couldn't help but to choose to remember only the good things that happened at 130 south 1st street. It was a beautiful home, and it was ours. I'll always remember it, love it, just as I did and do you. Thank you for all of it, the good and the bad... And for sharing such a special time and place with me. We built a home, for you... for me... and now it's time to leave and turn to dust.