Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sleeping and the Internet

Sleeping is so hard when you're not used to it and the Internet does not help with such a problem.

The dark hours seem to be the perfect time to be alive and the silence is in many ways soothing.

Though the wee hours of nightfall can also be lonely. It wouldn't be so bad if there were people to share the time with. Though if there were... it may lose it's appeal.

Perhaps that is what makes the darkness so alluring. It's mystery, stillness and the empty hours to fill for your own. To think for your own. To live for your own. Without the rest of the world interrupting.

I suppose our generation don't know the meaning of true loneliness though.

Perhaps the day the Internet is disconnected once and for all we will finally understand the true meaning of loneliness and on this day, maybe we will hope for light instead of the dark.

No matter how dark, lonely and hopeless we feel, I believe none of us here understand these feelings to their full potential and we can blame the Internet for this.

Thanks Internet... what a help you've been. I may be connected to you, but I'm certainly not as connected to myself or the real world like I should be.